Monday Feb 20, 2023

Ep 25 1/2 - Once You Realize that One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All...Now What?

You are a productivity enthusiast, someone who loves to grow and learn in the area of your task management. You are aware of most of the gurus out there - the inventors of practices like GTD, apps like Todoist and devices like the Bullet Journal.

You also have realized at some point - maybe a long time ago, or just as you are listening to this episode, that one size does not fit all. In other words, even though gurus and developer claim that they have figured everything out, you know that’s not true. You have been around long enough to distrust anyone who tells you that they have the perfect solution.

But is that enough?

Perhaps this realization is just the beginning of a new journey. 

In this solo episode I will look at the issues we all have with one-size-fits-all thinking and what you can do about it in the short-term and long-term.

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