Task Management & Time Blocking Podcast
You: A productivity enthusiast who manages an above-average number of tasks. You don’t mean to stand out, but you’re a bit different than most people...more creative, more driven and a bit more geeky. When you see an opportunity to improve your task management or time blocking you want to change _something_ to make it better...but what? Tune into the next episode of this podcast and get some answers. Make steady improvements in the way you handle your taskload. Cut errors and mistakes. After all, your peace of mind is at stake, so this is important. The podcast goes deep into your ability to get things done. Don’t miss a single broadcast! Music by Alex_MakeMusic from Pixabay
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
Sunday Apr 09, 2023
So you made lots of progress in your task management in the past - you are no beginner. You probably read some books and followed some sound ideas and found yourself getting more effect, and more productive, and making fewer errors.
But lately…you feel as if you have stalled. You’re no longer growing in leaps and bounds the way you used to, and you miss that growth you once experienced.
Now, changes come slowly, if at all. What can you do about it? You’re tempted to give up and move onto something different because…well, there are other places in life where you can put in some effort and see some results.
But is that the tactic you really want? To give up? Do you have a choice? Are there alternatives?
Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Dr Bret Atkins, as we solve this challenging problem together.
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
Sunday Mar 19, 2023
You’re someone who launches personal projects to improve your task management. You have made a number of changes in the past, but you haven’t seen the impact you wanted from each effort.
Is there something going on that you cannot see? Are some changes more fruitful than others?
After all, you know a thing or two about systemic change: that seemingly small improvements can yield disproportionate, breakthrough results. It applies to other areas of life…but how about your task management?
Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Danielle Baily, as we solve this challenging problem together.
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
You are a productivity enthusiast, someone who loves to grow and learn in the area of your task management. You are aware of most of the gurus out there - the inventors of practices like GTD, apps like Todoist and devices like the Bullet Journal.
You also have realized at some point - maybe a long time ago, or just as you are listening to this episode, that one size does not fit all. In other words, even though gurus and developer claim that they have figured everything out, you know that’s not true. You have been around long enough to distrust anyone who tells you that they have the perfect solution.
But is that enough?
Perhaps this realization is just the beginning of a new journey.
In this solo episode I will look at the issues we all have with one-size-fits-all thinking and what you can do about it in the short-term and long-term.
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Like most people who do knowledge work, there is a surplus of tasks waiting for you to complete everywhere you look. Your inboxes, todo lists, and task management software are full to the brim. You want to be on top, free of overwhelm… but there seems to be no way out.
Have you created a problem for yourself by writing down all your unfinished tasks? Does it make sense to save unread emails? Why can’t you just get rid of them all and pretend they never happened?
Maybe if you were a superstar in this area, you would never fall behind the job of emptying inboxes and todo lists. Is that even possible now…or in the future
In this solo episode, I’ll be sharing my most recent thoughts about the skill of Emptying and exploring new thinking that can help you make some headway.
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
Tuesday Jan 17, 2023
So you’re a creative person and getting into the Flow State is the key to your success. Like Michaelangelo or Leonardo, you use focused high energy times to do your best work. And you love it.
BUT… you have a Tik Tok account and the people you’re following are a growing distraction…and you can’t help yourself…you just want to take a peek…and another…
And when someone forcibly takes away your smartphone, you are able to focus, but then you overfocus and work for 15 hours straight, and then collapse. At that point you hate to return to your computer.
Getting and staying in the Flow state is not so easy after all.
Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Manlio lo Giudice, as we solve this challenging problem together.
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
Saturday Jan 07, 2023
You’re a productivity AND technology enthusiast which means that you are managing lots of inboxes. Each time you sign up for a new one, they give you another.
But is that a good thing? Or just another loose end you need to account for in your weekly review?
If it’s the latter, then why? In this episode we tackle the problem of Capture Points - physical and digital places where potential tasks are sitting…waiting. We’ll talk about your need to handle each and every one of them…or else. That is, if you hope to develop a flawless reputation for being on top of all the stuff people send your way, wanting a response.
Join me on this solo episode as we explore this challenge that affects every single knowledge worker in the entire world. It’s a continuation of Episode 21 on Capturing.
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
So you’re a career person who has a family…..AND you want to return to school. But in your mind you can’t see how to reconcile the image you have of student life with your current obligations. After all, you have a job, a family, a commitment to your wellbeing, a spiritual life, friends, you belong to a community…all these things are not on the typical college students’ agenda.
In fact, most students seem to put these things on hold…on ice…while they focus everything on their studies. You cannot do that, to say the least.
Is there a way to have it all? You do know that people have done this before…you’re not the first. So there must be a way that can increase your odds of success.
But what are they?
Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Emily Cordwell, as we solve this challenging problem together.
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
You have noticed that as you make more promises to people to get things done, the risk of not delivering goes up. Sometimes, the fact that you made the commitment falls through the cracks…as if it were never made.
Over time, this reduces your effectiveness and your reputation for getting things done. People start to avoid you, seeking out others who are more reliable.
You want to intervene before this gets worse, but just trying harder to remember may not be enough. You want a real solution such that you manually capture new tasks flawlessly, regardless of the circumstances. You want to be someone who never forgets to complete a commitment.
Where can you start to create that kind of track record when it comes to your task management?
Join me on this solo episode as we explore this challenge that affects all knowledge workers.
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
When it comes to task management, you know that one size doesn’t fit all. AND You are someone who has increased your workflow over the years - more tasks than ever, and a future of more task management, not less. At the moment your current approach works BUT…you suspect that it may run into problems as you add that project/child/hobby/elder-care/sport/travel/promotion/continuing education/high schooling-to-college-to-marriage to kids…
How do you adjust your approach when you realize that you need to change your methods as task volume increases…and you can only see a future or more tasks? Knowing that this is a problem isn’t enough - you want more.
Tune into this episode to hear from me and my special guest, Dr. Frank Buck, as we solve this challenging problem together.
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Like everyone else who does knowledge work, you receive a lot of emails - more than you’d like. You have harbored dreams of a world in which you could escape this hated chore, but over here in reality, there seems to be no way to alleviate the pain. Or is there?
Some people suggest that you simply ignore most of your email. Others say that you need to empty your inbox and even keep it that way all the time. In practice, most people spend more mornings, nights and weekends catching up on email than they care to admit. During the day, they prefer to do what they call “real” work. Not the fake work of reading and replying to email.
In this solo episode, I’ll be sharing my thoughts about this problem and explore new thinking that can help us make some headway.